Music stars are among the Canadians mourning the loss of so many lives following a horrific crash in Saskatchewan between a tractor-trailer and a bus carrying players from the Humboldt Broncos hockey team.
By Saturday evening, the RCMP said 15 people were killed and 14 injured.
The tragedy sparked words of condolences from prime minister Justin Trudeau, U.S. president Donald Trump and American stars like Debra Messing and Ellen DeGeneres.
Here are some of the messages tweeted out by Canadian music stars:
#HumboltBroncos The heartbreak of all the families and friends of these young men- is felt from coast to coast- to the far north and beyond. So awful. So sudden. So incomprehensible. We are all so sorry for these young lives lost and are mourning with you.
— jann arden (@jannarden) April 7, 2018
Just hearing about the awful accident out west. Sending all my love, positive vibes, and support to the #humboldtbroncos and their families. Terrible, terrible news.
— Tim Hicks (@timhicksmusic) April 7, 2018
The @HumboldtBroncos tragedy extends beyond a small town, beyond hockey & has touched us all. A group of fathers, uncles, sons & brothers taken from us on their way to do what they loved. This loss is shouldered by the entire Country. #Humboldt you are all in our thoughts.
— Nickelback (@Nickelback) April 7, 2018
I am crying. This is every parents worst nightmare. I will be in prayer and will also be regretting that what faith I feel helps in the sharing of these parents grief cannot be accompanied by any’s a helpless feeling. I wish there was something I could do.
— chantal (@chantalkreviaz) April 7, 2018
Words are hard to come by when you hear news such as this. My heart aches for everyone affected by this horrible tragedy. Thoughts and prayers are all I have but it never seems near enough. #HumboldtBroncos
— Chad Brownlee (@ChadBrownlee) April 7, 2018
Praying for the team and the families of the Humboldt Broncos. My heart is breaking hearing the news of this tragedy.
— BRETT KISSEL (@BrettKissel) April 7, 2018
Sometimes thoughts and prayers are all we can offer. My heart absolutely goes out to the @HumboldtBroncos and surrounding communities in light of the recent tragedy. ❤️
— Jess Moskaluke (@jessmoskaluke) April 7, 2018
Heavy-hearted at this news tonight.
— paulbrandt (@paulbrandt) April 7, 2018
My thoughts and prayers are for all affected by the collision involving the Humboldt Broncos team bus.
Sad hearing the news involving the Humboldt Broncos of the Saskatchewan junior hockey league. Love my Canadians& this hurt to hear. #broncos
— Kip Moore (@KipMooreMusic) April 7, 2018
Devastated to learn about this tragedy. @HumboldtBroncos with love and compassion please donate and share to help:
— Bif Naked (@bifnaked) April 7, 2018
I woke up this morning and hugged my wife and three kids and realized how lucky we really are. Thoughts and prayers to all of the Humboldt Broncos, players/families/friends/fans #prayforhumboldt #hockeyparents
— Gord Bamford (@gordbamford) April 7, 2018