Barry Gibb, the only living member of the Bee Gees, is working on a musical about the iconic group.
Calling it a “wonderful opportunity,” Gibb said in a statement that he is anxious to get started.
“I'm personally very excited to be a part of the creative process along with Yvonne [the late Maurice Gibbs’s wife] and Dwina [the late Robin Gibbs’s wife],” he said. “It's another adventure for us and a chance to throw the spotlight on all my brothers and finally the real story of us will be told.
“It's an honour to be working alongside the people I most respect.”
Universal Theatrical Group, which secured the rights to the Bee Gees music and life story, has not yet shared a title, creative team, or timeline for the stage production.
The Bee Gees have sold more than 220 million records worldwide and their long list of hits include “How Deep Is Your Love,” “Stayin’ Alive,” “More Than a Woman” and “You Should Be Dancing.”