Billie Eilish has spoken up about fame, drugs, body image and home-schooling – as well as her thoughts on getting text messages from Drake.
In a feature interview with Vogue, the 18-year-old singer said she doesn’t understand why so many people were creeped out to learn that Drake, 33, had texted her.
“The internet is such a stupid-ass mess right now,” Eilish said. “Everybody’s so sensitive. A grown man can’t be a fan of an artist?
“There are so many people that the internet should be more worried about. Like, you’re really going to say that Drake is creepy because he’s a fan of mine, and then you’re going to go vote for Trump? What the f**k is that s**t?”
Eilish admitted becoming a huge pop star – which she said was “everything I ever wanted” – has opened her eyes to what those who came before her went through.
“As a fan growing up, I was always like, What the f**k is wrong with them? All the scandals. The Britney moment. You grow up thinking they’re pretty and they’re skinny; why would they f**k it up? But the bigger I get, the more I’m like, Oh, my God, of course they had to do that,” she said.
“In my dark places I’ve worried that I was going to become the stereotype that everybody thinks every young artist becomes, because how can they not? When I was at my lowest point during the tour in Europe, I was worried I was going to have a breakdown and shave my head.”
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Eilish, who told Vogue she has never tried drugs but loves the smell of marijuana, said she is grateful that her parents home-schooled her.
“I’m so glad I didn’t go to school, because if I had, I would never have the life I have now,” Eilish said. “The only times I ever wished I could go were so I could f**k around. At times I just wanted to have, like, a locker, and have a school dance that was at my own school, and get to not listen to the teacher and laugh in class. Those were the only things that were interesting to me. And once I realized that, I was like, Oh, I actually don’t want to do the school part of school at all.”
Vogue commissioned three photographers – Hassan Hajjaj, Ethan James Green and Harley Weir – to shoot Eilish for three separate covers of its March issue. She appears dressed in clothing from Versace, Prada, Chanel and Gucci.
Eilish’s younger self could only have dreamed about gracing the cover of the iconic fashion magazine.
“I really wanted to be a model, really bad, and I was chubby and short,” she said. “I developed really early. I had boobs at nine. I got my period at 11. So my body was going faster than my brain.”
Eilish said she hated her body. “I would have done anything to be in a different one,” she admitted. “It’s funny, because when you’re a little kid, you don’t think of your body at all. And all of a sudden, you look down and you’re, like, whoa. What can I do to make this go away?”
She has previously opened up about self-harming and having thoughts of suicide – but Eilish told Vogue she is in a better place today.
“When people ask me what I’d say to somebody looking for advice on mental health, the only thing I can say is patience,” she said. “I had patience with myself. I didn’t take that last step. I waited. Things fade.”