Camilizers everywhere have been waiting for this: Camila Cabello has finally given us an update on the status of her debut solo album!
Cabello updated fans on social media with a picture of herself in the studio with executive producer Frank Dukes, and Louis Bell. She posted the black-and-white photo along with the caption, "my first album is done and the butterflies in my stomach are fully aware."
On Twitter, she also teased a fan who was reacting to one of the singer's Snapchats. In her response she said, "the best part is u guys don't even know some of the newer titles MUAHAHAHAHAHHQHQHQHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA."
Cabello had previously announced her debut solo album as The Hurting. The Healing. The Loving, but then in a German radio interview, revealed that there may be a change. Only time will tell, but it appears more updates will be coming soon!
Original article at iHeartRadio