Canadian rocker Sebastian Bach says he still can’t understand how Donald Trump got elected U.S. president.
“It's never made sense to me that people would vote for a guy who hosted a reality TV show to run the country,” the 52-year-old singer told Esquire. “People are like, ‘What about Ronald Reagan?’ Ronald Reagan was the f**king governor of California. He actually tried to do this once. It's like being in a band and you book your first show at Shea Stadium. It doesn't work like that!
“It doesn't make any sense to me that someone would say, ‘That's the guy.’ Like, what was the episode of The Apprentice where you said, ‘You should run the country.’ Was it the one with Coolio? Was that your favourite f**king episode?”
Bach, who was born in Bahamas but grew up in Peterborough, Ont., has lived in the Los Angeles for many years.
Earlier this month he was trending on Twitter after tweeting: “If you support Donald Trump you stand against rock n' roll and every musician in America who has been put out of work because a reality television show host doesn't believe in science.”
Bach said the tweet was fuelled by red wine. “For some reason, I gained like 25,000 f**king followers on Twitter in one night, and I was drunk,” he explained. “I've been on Twitter for 10 years, being just me, and that night, I made one tweet that hit the centre of America. I don't know why. Maybe I should drink more red wine.”
The former Skid Row singer called Trump a “f**king jackass” and blamed the COVID-19 crisis in the U.S. on the number of Americans who choose not to believe in science.
“When you look at Europe and see they're almost back to normal because they believe in science,” Bach said. “You're not allowed to say you don't believe in science!
“I just—I just miss smarts. I can't watch footage of JFK from 1962. I can't even watch that s**t because I'll cry. Because motherf**ker is so cool and so smart and hates racism. I put Barack Obama in the same category. When I watch him speak, it rips my heart out because he makes you feel safe.”
Bach said Trump’s nickname for presumptive Democratic candidate Joe Biden – “Sleepy Joe” – could actually help Biden.
“I can't think of something I'd rather do more than get a good night's f**king sleep,” he said. “If Joe Biden will bring us a good night's sleep after four f**king years, who won't vote for that? Bring on the sleep, man.”