Chaka Khan gave Fergie a vocal run for her money with her unique take on the U.S. national anthem before Sunday’s NBA All-Star Game.
In 2018, Fergie took her lumps on social media after performing a screechy, sultry version of “The Star-Spangled Banner” – prompting her to later apologize. “I'm a risk taker artistically, but clearly this rendition didn't strike the intended tone,” she said. “I … honestly tried my best.”
This year, Khan’s anthem got fouled for straying from the melody and showing off her vocal skills. The 66-year-old ‘I Feel For You” singer – who recently got eliminated from The Masked Singer – was put through the fire on social media.
“Chaka Khan absolutely butchered that national anthem,” tweeted one person. “Holy s**t that Fergie 2.0 level bad.”
Another opined: ‘chaka khan may rival fergie for worst national anthem performance in an all star game.”
So far there has been no response from Khan about the criticism.
Of course, the Khan’s performance also inspired plenty of clever tweets. Here’s a sampling:
Fergie *butchers national anthem* creating endless memes for the internet.
— Nishant Varughese (@NishKokoFish) February 17, 2020
Chaka Khan: hOooooLlLLLlldddDDDD.....mmYYYYYY BeeeeeeRrrrr #NBAAllStar2020
Me listening to Chaka Khan sing that anthem #NBAAllStar2020
— Devin Booker Stan Account (@IconicGoleiro) February 17, 2020
The Astros punishment should’ve been Chaka Khan singing the anthem for all of their home games
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) February 17, 2020
Welcome to the worst thing you'll hear in your entire life...
— Josh Beard (@JoshBeardRadio) February 17, 2020
Fergie vs. Chaka Khan: A National Anthem Mashup #NBAAllStar #NBAAllStar2020
Fergie and Chaka Khan fighting over who had the worst national anthem of all time #NBAAllStar2020
— Jaden (@jadenonfirree) February 17, 2020
this is what chaka khan sounded like performing the national anthem at the all stars game
— ayano (@yanosenpai) February 17, 2020
The guy who chose Fergie and Chaka Khan to sing the national anthem at the NBA all star game right now.....
— Vinnie T (@vinnietes16) February 17, 2020
*Chaka Khan performs the National Anthem*
— VizualKillah (@wesleymarsh500) February 17, 2020
Fergie realizing she’s finally off the hook:
I don't know which singing was worse: this one by Chaka Khan or the one 2 years ago by Fergie.
— Peter Griffin (@PeterGriffinAcc) February 17, 2020
Canada has normal anthem singers. Why can't we?
Me after listening to Chaka Khan’s national anthem #AllStarGame
— A.H ❤️ (@Beers_And_Crocs) February 17, 2020
Everyone who thought Fergie couldn’t be outdone hearing Chaka Khan just sing the national anthem. #NBAAllStar2020
— David Torrence (@davidtorrence17) February 17, 2020
Fergie after watching Chaka Khan sing the national anthem:#NBAAllStar2020
— Dave Barabas (@barabas_dave) February 17, 2020