Ted Nugent, who has downplayed the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, said Monday he has tested positive for the virus.
“I was tested positive today. I got the Chinese s**t,” the 72-year-old right-wing rocker said during a Facebook Live.
“I was officially tested positive for COVID-19 today.”
Nugent explained: “I have had flu symptoms for the last 10 days. I thought I was dying, I mean, just a clusterf**k … I’ve got a stuffed up head, body aches, my God what a pain in the ass. I literally could not crawl out of bed the last few days.”
Repeatedly coughing – and referring to COVID-19 as “the Chinese virus" – Nugent said he has not had the vaccine because “nobody knows what’s in it” and “why are you testing it on human beings and forcing upon people in such a short period of time?”
Nugent called doctors "f**king goof balls" because they told him they can do nothing for him despite a positive diagnosis. He said he is "homebound, i.e. quarantined."
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Nugent has previously said COVID-19 is “not a real pandemic” and has questioned the official death toll.
“They claim 500,000 people have died from COVID-19,” he once said on Facebook. “Bulls**t. I believe that medical examiners in all 50 states have gone, ‘I put down on the death certificate that he died of asphyxiation, but they made me put COVID.’
“'Well, this guy was stabbed to death, but they made me put down COVID.’ ‘This guy was run over by a tandem gravel truck doing a four-wheel drift and the crows be pecking at your flesh, but they made me put down COVID-19.’”