Will fans like the new Deadmau5 album?
“I don’t even like it,” the DJ/producer admitted on Sunday.
“It was like… so f**king rushed/slapped together,” he tweeted about W:/2016ALBUM/, which drops Dec. 2.
Deadmau5 added: “hey, if you like it i wanna like it too, just dont.” He said he was “pushed” into putting it out.
When someone asked why he’s releasing an album he doesn’t like, Deadmau5 — whose real name is Joel Zimmerman — replied: “COZ I GOT F**KIN MAD BILLS.”
The Canadian artist said he has a love/hate relationship with W:/2016ALBUM/ and admitted he’s happy with two of its 11 tracks, “Snowcone” and “Whelk When.”
Deadmau5 has already shared “4ware” and “Let Go” from the album — the latter featuring vocalist Grabbitz.
Fans shouldn’t worry, though. The Niagara Falls, Ont. native has apparently not been pleased with any of his albums.
He tweeted: “maybe it’s time…to just sit down, and work on this fabled ‘album i like’ thing I've been wanting to do for the past 10 years.”