Music legend Dionne Warwick had a warning on Saturday for Chance the Rapper and Canadian singer The Weeknd.
“If you have ‘The’ in your name i’m coming for you,” the singer tweeted. “I need answers today.”
Warwick, who turns 80 on Dec. 12, has admitted to having a social media team but insisted she’s crafting most of her tweets.
“Hi, @chancetherapper. If you are very obviously a rapper why did you put it in your stage name? I cannot stop thinking about this,” Warwick tweeted, prompting Chance to reply: “Sorry I’m still freaking out that u know who I am. This is amazing!”
Warwick, who joked “I am now Dionne the Singer,” responded: “Of course I know you. You’re THE rapper. Let’s rap together. I’ll message you.”
— Chance The Rapper (@chancetherapper) December 5, 2020
She shifted focus. “The Weeknd is next. Why? It’s not even spelled correctly?”
He retweeted Warwick and boasted “I just got roasted by Dionne Warwick and I feel honoured! You just made my day” along with a laughing emoji and three hearts.
Warwick said her Twitter exchanges on Saturday were “all in good fun.” She wrote: “Of course I am just kidding. Those talented young men were good sports & very respectful!”