Doja Cat has a lot to be happy about – she was just nominated for eight Grammy Awards – but she recently told fans that she is not.
The 26-year-old said it feels like at least five years since she has enjoyed making music. “I just mean, make music like, willy nilly, have fun and just jam and make some s**t,” she fumed during an Instagram Live.
“I’m doing all this s**t that I don’t f**kin’ wanna do. I don’t want to take f**kin’ pictures. Like, yes, planning a photoshoot is very fun. Capturing a concept, capturing a visual idea, like something like that… I love fashion. I really do.
“Do I want to do that s**t because I have to? No! No I don’t! But I feel pressured to do s**t like that. I don’t want to do that. I want to be home. I wanna play f**kin’ – I wanna make music. I wanna play f**kin’ video games.”
In September, Doja Cat complained about the abundance of collaborations and remixes.
“I feel like a lot of features are coming out,” she told Extra. “It feels like people are just getting on each other’s songs for the sake of having them on each other’s songs.”
Doja Cat’s album Planet Her has features by SZA, The Weeknd, Ariana Grande and Young Thug. “The people on my album are… they’re incredible. They are the perfect features on my album,” she said. "But I do want to be more choosy about what I’m doing.”