Did the spirit of Gord Downie make an appearance at Burning Man on Saturday night?
Some fans of the late Tragically Hip frontman believe they can see his ghostly image in the flames of the annual desert gathering’s burning temple – at least in an image posted on Facebook.
“I can’t even believe this image from the man burn last night,” wrote Paula Kim Derring. “Just look at all the spirits in the flames! I am in awe!”
Facebook / Paula Kim Derring
On The Tragically Hip Fan Forum, Derring said she had attached a pic of Downie – taken at the band’s final Edmonton concert – to the temple before it was ignited.
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Every year, thousands of people descend on the Black Rock Desert in Nevada for Burning Man to celebrate art and self-expression. "We believe that the experience of Burning Man can produce positive spiritual change in the world," reads a message on the event website.
Downie died last October after a battle with brain cancer. He was 53.