An episode of Family Feud that aired last month challenged teams to “name a female singer who can bring down the house when she performs live” – and the responses might surprise you.
The first to buzz in was Austin Allen, who named Beyoncé. Host Steve Harvey was quick to agree. ”You better know it,” he said. “Greatest living performer today, Beyoncé Knowles.”
But, Bey was only the fourth-most popular answer on the board, with seven percent of the votes.
A guess of Jennifer Lopez revealed the singer to be the No. 2 answer but the Allen family flamed out with Diana Ross, Mariah Carey and Ariana Grande. The Der family blew its chance to steal by naming Shakira.
So who, besides JLo and Beyoncé made the list? No. 7 was Canada’s Céline Dion, No. 6 was Reba McEntire and No. 5 was Cher. At No. 3 was country star Carrie Underwood and the No. 1 response in the survey – with 21 percent of the votes – was Lady Gaga.
Name the best live female singer of all time. #FamilyFeud #SteveHarvey
— Family Feud (@FamilyFeud) February 27, 2023
On social media, many people are stunned by the answers – including one person who called the survey results a “hate crime.”
Some people wanted to know where Family Feud conducted its survey. “Where did they go to ask 100 people this question? Wyoming?,” read one tweet. On the game show's Facebook page, one person asked: “Where'd you ask the question. A nursing home?”
One person opined on Twitter: “If it was 100 lonely tradwives with husbands that don’t love them having an existential crisis, then yeah makes sense.”