An upcoming concert by French rapper Freeze Corleone in Montreal has been cancelled following public condemnation of his anti-Semitic lyrics.
The 30-year-old, whose real name is Issa Diakhaté, was scheduled to perform at L’Olympia on Dec. 4. Ticketmaster notified ticket holders: “Unfortunately, the event organizer had to cancel your event.”
One fan tweeted at Corleone, in French, to ask about the cancellation – to which the rapper replied: “Pardon Montréal” with three dragon emojis.
Corleone was dropped by Universal Music France in September 2020 following the release of his debut album LMF, which it said “revealed and amplified unacceptable racist remarks.”
France’s anti-racism organization LICRA said the rapper “spits out a flood of hateful lyrics combining anti-Semitic stereotypes, conspiracy and (justifying) Nazism and terrorism.”
B’nai Brith Canada, which had promised to ask Canada Border Service Agency to deny Corleone entry to the country, said Monday it was pleased with the cancellation.
“Corleone’s rhetoric goes well beyond the bounds of artistic expression,” said Michael Mostyn, B’nai Brith Canada’s CEO, in a release. “The Holocaust resulted in the deaths of six-million Jews. Corleone’s denial is not only inaccurate but dangerous. His hatred must find no harbour in any Canadian city, including Montreal.”
Last week, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) blasted the concert. “It is troubling that there is an audience for hateful rhetoric,” said Eta Yudin, CIJA vice president - Quebec, in a release.
“If Corleone brings his hateful messages to Canada, and should he condone, deny, or downplay the Holocaust, this action could amount to ‘wilful promotion of antisemitism’ as per the Criminal Code.”