Jack Harlow is calling for the termination of a police officer who put a hand on the throat of an unmasked female who got in his face.
The rapper posted a 13-second video clip of the confrontation on Instagram. It shows a young woman yelling at two officers from the Cobb County Police Department in Georgia outside the Coca-Cola Roxy, where Harlow performed on Tuesday night.
The female suddenly moves closer to one officer, who restrains her by briefly grabbing her throat. He can be heard telling her to "get out of my face."
Harlow captioned the clip: “When I watched it I was disgusted by that cop ... The next step is identifying this police officer and getting him unemployed as fast as we can. Assaulting a young woman and putting his hands on her neck is sickening.
“I look out in the crowd every night and see black women in my front row…screaming my lyrics, traveling to see me, supporting me, riding for me. I want this woman, and every black woman that supports me to know – I am so sorry. I want you to be protected and I want this guy to lose his job so f**king fast. I love you. Let’s find this officer.”
In a statement, a rep for the Cobb County Police Department said: “We are aware of the video snippet posted to Instagram involving our officer and a young woman outside the Coca-Cola Roxy. The incident is going through an internal review to get a full understanding of the entire incident before any potential action is taken.”
While many fans commended Harlow for taking a stand, not everyone agreed that the officer should be disciplined.
“Trying to understand what he did wrong,” commented one. Another opined: “This girl was drunk, belligerent, and literally approaching the police aggressively.”
One comment read: “She was aggressive and up in the cops face. Harlow is a clown for this one. Obviously wasn’t there and has no way of knowing what happened prior to the video starting either.”