Should artists be doing afternoon concerts?
Actress Jamie Lee Curtis is pushing the idea of early shows so fans can go to bed at a reasonable time.
“I am going to just say this now as a taunt and as a suggestion. U2: do a matinee. Coldplay: do a matinee. What about a 12 noon concert, Coldplay? What about it?” the 64-year-old told The Hollywood Reporter this past weekend.
“Bruce Springsteen: do a f**king matinee! You’re old! Why wouldn’t you let me come see you, Bruce Springsteen, in your glory days – pun intended – and do it at noon or one o’clock? two o’clock! two o’clock matinee! I will come and hear your five-hour concert, Bruce, at two o’clock, and I’m gonna be home and in bed by 7:30.”
Appearing on Today, Curtis doubled down on her proposal. “Why are there no matinees?” she asked. “For instance, I love Coldplay. I would love to go see Coldplay. The problem is, I’m not going to go see Coldplay if they start their show at nine o’clock and there’s an opening act. I want to hear Coldplay at 1 p.m.
“If we filled a stadium with people who want to see matinee of Coldplay, I think we're going to start a trend.”
On social media, Curtis is getting support.
"I'm all for matinee concerts on a Saturday and Sunday. The Beatles used to do them back in the day,” tweeted one person. "Saturday 1pm gigs, then a meal and then chilling at home.”
Someone else tweeted: “100% on board with matinee concerts. I’d settle for concerts starting on time and headliners starting their sets at a reasonable hour. 9pm is not a reasonable hour. (Yes, I’m old.)”
Here is a sample of reactions:
Omg…. Jamie Lee Curtis is so right matinee concerts would be a m a z i n g ! I already do that for movies
— captain (@artistofkhaos) March 7, 2023
@jamieleecurtis yes I agree @coldplay at 1:00 PM would be awesome. How about @cher too and all our other favorites. Matinee concerts would be amazing!
— Louise Harp (@Weez050) March 7, 2023
@jamieleecurtis I whole heartedly agree with you! We need matinee concerts! I love concerts but like you, I go to bed at 8 and wake up at 4am!
— Angie_3+1 (@ksssasas) March 7, 2023
matinee concerts would be amazing. i wouldn't have to take off work the next day because i'm washed. home by six, in bed by eight
— bring on the dancing horses (@inthefade) March 8, 2023
Yes. Travelling all day to stand up for 8 hours is exhausting.
— David Oakes©️™️ (@kotowboy01) March 8, 2023