Kodak Black posted videos on social media this week showing him disposing of thousands of U.S. dollars – then deleted the clips and deactivated his accounts.
In one clip, the 24-year-old rapper tosses bills off the side of a boat into the ocean and in another he flushes them down a toilet. It is has not been confirmed that the bills were real.
Kodak black still throwing away $100 bills pic.twitter.com/NA5TbI3FI1
— DJ Akademiks (@Akademiks) June 30, 2021
Kodak Black flushing money down the toilet pic.twitter.com/w9idEeUFxr
— My Mixtapez (@mymixtapez) June 30, 2021
On social media, Black was slammed for wasting money that could have helped others.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, it is illegal to toss garbage into any coastal waters up to three miles offshore. Offenders are liable for civil penalties of up to $25,000 U.S. and criminal penalties of up to $50,000 U.S. and/or five years in prison. Individual states also have anti-littering laws that apply to vessels offshore.
U.S. law also states that a person who “mutilates … or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt … with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued” is subject to fines or prison.
In 2020, Black – who was serving prison time on a weapons charge – promised to give $1 million U.S. to charities if outgoing president Donald Trump pardoned him. “If The President Them Free Me , I’m Gonna Spend 1 million on Charity within The First Year I’m Out. That’s on Everything,” he wrote in a tweet he later deleted.
In January – on his final full day in office – Trump commuted Black’s sentence.