Producers of KPOP: The Musical have announced the show will close Dec. 11 after only 17 performances.
The musical, running at the Circle in the Square Theatre, follows fictional K-pop acts MwE, RTMIS and F8 as they endure personal struggles while preparing for a one-night-only concert.
EW’s Emlyn Travis wrote that “while the overall plot doesn't quite hit its mark, KPOP's stellar musical numbers and all-star cast are able to turn the beat around into a solid, feel-good joyride that both K-Pop and musical fans can appreciate.”
Chris Jones of the Chicago Tribune noted “the vocal inexperience of these performers in a Broadway setting” and “the performers were not always on pitch.” He added: “The production doesn’t dive enough into the culture conflicts inherent to K-pop, nor does it really introduce this vibrant world for a broader Broadway audience.”
And, Jesse Green at The New York Times opined that the show would not appeal to “those who aren’t hard-core fans of the genre or don’t understand Korean” and called it “an ear-pounder” with “squint-inducing” lightning.
There were early signs that KPOP was going to struggle at the box office. According to Playbill, several matinee performances were cancelled during previews, which began Oct. 13.
Those who did enjoy the show will be able to relive it in the form a cast recording album that is due out Feb. 24.