Martha Wainwright's new upcoming album, Goodnight City, is available for preview on NPR, and watch out people, it's a good one!
As usual, Martha explores her vocal range with masterful creativity. Her personal experience sweats through her songs, from clearly talking about her as a mother to her kids, to a friend.
The album is produced by the brilliant Thomas "Doveman" Bartlett and Brad Albetta (Waingwright's husband). Bartlett also plays keyboards, Albetta plays bass, and they are accompanied by Phil Melanson on drums to support the songwriter.
And just like her brother, Rufus, this collection of songs is not just that. It's also a source of deep stories, personal or not, that awaken your imagination to bring images in your mind to go along.
The album comes out November 11th, and it's sure to be in your rotation.