Old Dominion did something last week they have never done before – help a couple supposedly learn the sex of their baby.
During a break in the band’s Feb. 6 concert at the Toyota Center in Kennewick, Washington, frontman Matthew Ramsey took a sign from the crowd that had photos of pink shoes and blue shoes and an envelope attached. It read “Help us reveal the gender of our baby so we can go ‘shoe shopping’” – a reference to Old Dominion’s 2017 song.
“We’re about to tell somebody if they’re having a boy or a girl,” he said, before admitting he “just got nervous.” Ramsey kept the couple in suspense. “Right now, me and the doctor are the only people in this world that know.”
He then announced: “It’s a boy! So go buy some little boy shoes!”
Old Dominion is currently on tour in Canada – but don’t expect them to do many more sex reveals. The group shared video of last week’s moment with the not-so-subtle hashtag: #justbecausewediditoncedoesntmeanwewilldoitforeveryone
This was fun! #genderreveal #justbecausewediditoncedoesntmeanwewilldoitforeveryone pic.twitter.com/xzU9HijUY2
— Old Dominion (@OldDominion) February 10, 2020