It pays to be Prince's lawyers. They're raking in a ton of cash for handling the late singer's estate and legal issues.
Bremer Trust, the special administrator handling Prince's estate, filed docs asking the court to approve more than $2.3 million in bills racked up from July 1 through Sept. 30. As the estate describes it ... handling "the complexity of the problems involved" doesn't come cheap, and requires a bunch of high-priced lawyers.
The biggest expense so far is for the legal services of Stinson Leonard Street at $1,840,895.97. In all, there are six firms listed as handling everything from claims by potential heirs to Paisley Park Museum plans. For the record, the lowest tab was for Broad and Cassel, which only billed the estate for $915.73.
Some of the dough's also going to law firms in Italy and Florida that are handling copyright suits, plus a lawsuit in California to collect royalties.
Prince's estate is reportedly worth $200 million.
Original article at iHeartRadio