Right Said Fred singer Richard Fairbrass, who publicly opposed mask mandates, was hospitalized last week after suffering breathing problems caused by COVID-19.
The 67-year-old “I’m Too Sexy” star reportedly spent four days in hospital.
“It wasn’t too bad. I was a little breathless, I felt very tired,” Fairbrass told reporters outside his home. He said health care workers were “non-judgemental and very open to how you wanted to be treated – and my treatment was just keeping my oxygen levels up for a week.”
This summer, Fairbrass – who has repeatedly referred to the “cult-of-covid” – tweeted: “I would like to thank everyone who is still wearing a mask. It saves me a great deal of time. Your mask tells me I don’t need to talk to you, know you, work with you, or try to understand your mumblings. You are superfluous to requirements. Many thanks.”
Despite his own experience with COVID-19, Fairbrass said he is not changing his position on getting vaccinated.
“This vaccine is only for experimental use, it's on trial until 2023, there is no long-term data on it – anyone who takes it is foolish,” he said, according to the Daily Mail. “Come 2023 and everything is fine, I'll do it then. I'm absolutely not going to have one now.”