For the second year in a row, Canadian singer Sarah McLachlan is poking fun at her iconic animal cruelty commercials – this time for Busch Light.
“Hello, I’m Sarah McLachlan. For just dollars a day you can help helpless animals find shelter,” she says from inside a tent, with a wolf at her side, as her 1997 song “Angel” plays and images of various wild animals appear on screen.
McLachlan is interrupted by a man who informs her: “Wrong shelter, Sarah. Also, that’s a wolf.”
The spot references the two-minute commercials McLachlan made more than 15 years ago for the ASPCA (in Canada, they supported the BCSPCA). Her emotional song and images of suffering cats and dogs sparked TV viewers to donate millions.
Last year ahead of Super Bowl weekend, McLachlan appeared in a commercial for the Bolt app. “Every day, 70 percent of all online shopping carts are abandoned at the checkout page,” she said while images of abandoned shopping carts filled with items show up on screen. “Victims of a cruel and exhausting check-out process.”
In a 2014 interview, McLachlan shared her thoughts about the iconic animal cruelty commercials. "I change the channel. I can't take it," she said. "I can't even look at it, it's just so depressing.
"Do I want to be remembered just for that? Absolutely not."
In 2019, McLachlan spoofed the commercial in a promotional spot for the JUNO Awards and, several years earlier, did a parody version for Audi.