Shakira says onlookers did nothing to help when she and her son Milan were attacked by a pair of wild boars in September.
“I was like, ‘Oh, my God! Oh, my God!’ and screaming,” the singer told Glamour. “Like they could understand me! And people were just watching and they weren't doing anything!”
Shakira recalled how she and Milan, 8, were sitting on a bench in a Barcelona park when “two huge wild boars came from the back and ambushed [us] and took my purse!
“They started digging inside my purse… my son's sandwich was inside the purse, so that's why they were so interested. So they took the sandwich and walked away and left my purse. It was wild.”
Following the incident, Shakira showed off what was left of her handbag in a series of Instagram Stories. “Look at how two wild boar which attacked me in the park have left my bag,” she explained. “They were taking my bag to the woods with my mobile phone in it. They've destroyed everything.”