Hardcore fans of The Offspring may recall that Dexter Holland took a break from touring because he was pursuing a Ph.D. Well, my friends, Holland has officially received his doctorate in molecular biology.
Holland graduated from the University of Southern California on May 11. His 175-page thesis (which is available to read for those curious), is aptly titled “Discovery of Mature MicroRNASequences within the Protein-Coding Regions of Global HIV-1 Genomes: Predictions of Novel Mechanisms for Viral Infection and Pathogenicity.”
It talks about the HIV virus, as Holland has explained his interest in virology and felt this was the best way he could contribute to ending the global epidemic.
“My research is not meant to be a cure or even an immediate step toward a cure, but I believe that by adding to the vast amount of information that we’ve learned about HIV in the last 30 years or so, we’ll get there,” Holland explained.
“Toward that end, I’m going to continue to do research, and you’ll probably see some of my research papers get published here and there over the next few years.”
The Offspring are currently in the midst of touring and are recording new music.