Thomas Rhett jumped to the defence of his wife Lauren after the outfit she wore to the CMT Music Awards brought out the worst in people.
Criticism of Lauren’s look forced Rhett to disable comments on his Instagram, where he shared a pic of the couple on the blue carpet at Wednesday night’s event in Nashville. He captioned the photo: “Mom and dad went to the @cmt awards.”
Many people mocked Lauren for giving off an ‘80s or Jersey Shore vibe and some suggested she hire a new stylist.
In an Instagram post by People, Rhett commented: “All of you with these hateful comments should be ashamed. This world doesn’t need more of your negativity.”
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The country star told ET why he spoke up. “There just kind of comes a point where you can say whatever you want about me and my outfits and how ridiculous I look, but once you start talking about my wife, sometimes I can't hold back.”
Rhett added that he wanted to encourage people to be kind. “I can't imagine being on someone's [Instagram] page and seeing something and ragging on them for something like that,” he said. “I can't imagine myself doing something like that, therefore I can't imagine how someone else could do that.
"But that's the world we live in with the internet and cyber-bullying. It’s really unfortunate, and I wish people would just be kinder.”
In April, Rhett spoke to about how social media. “Look,” he said, “there’s haters everywhere.”