Walker Hayes says his single "90s Country," in which he managed to fit in 22 '90s country references in less than three minutes, was tough to write.
"We fought. Shane [McAnally] and I fought hard,” Hayes told Sounds Like Nashville. “I will admit, I have to be the slowest writer in Nashville. I’m not joking. ‘Craig’ took me three months at least, ’90’s Country’… we put it down for a while and brought it back out."
The whole journey took two years, he added, and nearly a dozen different versions.
“There was one version where there were 40-something references, and it was like a minute-long rap of just ’90s country titles or little like nods to it and stuff,” he said.
But the finished product is well worth the energy spent, and Hayes knows it.
“I love the way [people have] reacted," he said. "One of favourite reactions, I posted it the other day, a friend of mine said, ‘I hate you. This song is in my head. I cannot get it out, and I even listened to Neil McCoy ‘Wink’ on purpose this morning.’
"I was like, ‘I love that. It’s what that’s supposed to do is remind you of those days.’”
Original article by Katrina Nattress at iHeartRadio