It’s December 22nd and here are some reasons why this day matters in rock history:
In 1987, The Who announced that The Faces’ Kenney Jones would replace late drummer KeithMoon.
In 1991, Gregg Allman made his big screen debut as a villainous drug dealer when the film Rush premiered nationwide. The flick featured soundtrack contributions from Eric Clapton.
In 2002, The Clash singer Joe Strummer died at age 50 of heart failure after walking his dog around his hometown of Broomfield, England.
In 1987, Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx was pronounced dead on arrival in an ambulance when his heart stopped beating for two minutes following an OD on heroin. He was revived with two shots of adrenaline to his chest.
In 2014, Joe Cocker died of lung cancer at the age of 70.
And in 1990, Alice in Chains played at Seattle’s Moore Theatre. Pearl Jam, then still known as Mookie Blaylock, opened for them. At one point during the show, Chris Cornell came onstage and put singer Eddie Vedder on his shoulders.
And that’s what happened today in rock history.
Original article by Dave Basner at iHeartRadio