Zayn Malik was hands-on when it came to the birth of his daughter Khai.
In an interview with Vogue, Gigi Hadid revealed her beau caught the baby after 14 hours of labour. “It didn’t even click that she was out,” the new mom recalled. “I was so exhausted, and I looked up and he’s holding her. It was so cute.”
Malik was there for the September birth in an inflatable bath at their home in Bucks County, Pennsylvania along with Hadid’s mother Yolanda and sister Bella, as well as a midwife and her assistant.
Hadid and Malik scrapped plans to deliver at a New York City hospital due to COVID-19 restrictions and decided to have a home birth after watching the 2008 documentary The Business of Being Born.
Hadid said Malik compared his experience to one he saw in a nature documentary where the male lion paced anxiously outside a cave while the lioness delivered her cubs. “Z was like, ‘That’s how I felt! You feel so helpless to see the person you love in pain.’”