Big Wreck will honour guitarist Brian Doherty, who died earlier this month, with a special show in his adopted hometown of Sarnia, Ont.
“Brian started Big Wreck with Ian [Thornley] in their dorm in Boston and his passing is a profound loss to us all,” read a statement from the band following Doherty’s death on June 6. “He was a good soul who will be missed by all who knew him personally or through the beautiful music he performed.”
Big Wreck will donate $2 from every ticket sold to the Aug. 9 concert, part of Bluewater BorderFest, to the Canadian Cancer Society.
Doherty was diagnosed with terminal cancer during the recording late last year of the band’s sixth studio album.
He hailed from Long Island, NY but moved to Camlachie, near Sarnia, with his Canadian wife.