A 2012 tweet has been making the rounds from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, stating a particular distaste for Paul Simon, of Simon & Garfunkel fame. “For the record: I, and my entire staff, despise Paul Simon. #garfunkleallthe way [sic],” the tweet reads.
It was sent while PM Trudeau was only a member of parliament, three years before he became Canada’s head of government. PM Trudeau (and his staff) have clearly sided with Simon in a debate that’s mostly taken place on Yahoo! Answers, about which was the better member of the “Sound of Silence” duo.
It has prompted a small backlash on Twitter, with some users asking the PM to offer a reason for the hate. Others are promising to leave Canada, such as user @RachuPichu, have tweeted, “I just found out about how Justin Trudeau apparently hates Paul Simon. I never was a proud Canadian, but now I want to move out.”
Simon told NPR in 2016 that a reunion of the pair is highly unlikely, saying, “The fact is we did do two big reunions, and we’re done. There’s nothing really much to say. You know, the music essentially stopped in 1970.” He also added that “quite honestly, we don't get along.”
PM Trudeau has not yet commented on the tweet.