People are flocking to a zoo in England to hear the latest pop music sensation, Chico the parrot.
The 9-year-old yellow-crowned amazon went viral last week after the Lincolnshire Wildlife Park posted a video clip on Facebook showing him singing a bit of Beyoncé’s 2008 hit “If I Were a Boy.”
“He has resided here for a little over 18 months and without doubt he’s one of the star attractions,” said a spokesperson for the zoo’s National Parrot Sanctuary.
Chico has become so popular that he’s got his own Instagram account (and yes, he follows Beyoncé).
“I feel like I need to see it with my own eyes to believe it,” one person commented on Facebook. Another declared: “We need to go and see him.”
Chico enjoys other pop hits, according to his keepers – although only songs that are older than him. The bird can also sing parts of “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga, “Firework” by Katy Perry and “Crazy” by Gnarls Barkley.
Pour yourself a glass of Parrot Bay and check out some parrot Bey: