Doja Cat said Thursday that it was “so unbelievably socially unaware and whack” of Stranger Things star Noah Schnapp to share their private conversation on social media.
The 17-year-old actor revealed this week that Doja Cat asked him to help her connect with his co-star Joseph Quinn. In a TikTok clip that he later deleted, Schnapp shared part of his online conversation with the pop star.
“Noah can u tell Joseph to hmu [hit me up],” Doja Cat messaged. “wait no. does he have a gf?”
Schnapp, who plays Will Byers on Stranger Things, replied “LMAOO slide into his dms,” to which Doja Cat responded “idk his ig or twitter … he doesn’t have a dm to slide in.”
He sent Doja Cat a link to Quinn’s Instagram and wrote “Right here ma’am.”
In an Instagram Live, Doja Cat said she was trying to be fair because Schnapp is “a kid” but called him out for sharing information “that I didn’t feel comfortable with him sharing.”
Doja Cat said: “When you’re that young, you make mistakes, you do dumb s**t. I’m trying to be super fair. You do dumb s**t, you say dumb s**t. You f**k up relationships with people. You make mistakes. You’re supposed to do stuff like that so that you know not to do it in the future.
“But the fact that Noah did that went and posted a private conversation between me and him is so unbelievably socially unaware and whack. That’s borderline snake s**t. That’s like weasel s**t.”
The pop star added: “I’m not saying that encapsulates his entire personality. I wouldn’t imagine he is. Maybe he is, like a whole snake. But I didn’t see him that way.”
Schnapp has not yet responded to Doja Cat's comments.