Joe Jonas has signed on to promote Xeomin, an injectable “smart toxin” that promises to “improve the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows in adults for a short period of time.”
In interviews published Tuesday, Jonas spoke about the stigma around male skincare.
“Guys are more openly wearing makeup, and it's great to see,” he told People. "It’s like, do whatever you want, you know? It's a beautiful generation that we're living in.”
Jonas told Allure: “There’s less negative connotation that comes with these types of procedures and skincare routines.”
Jonas, the face of Xeomin’s new “Beauty with Benefits” campaign, said smoothing out his wrinkles – and a scar between his eyebrows – has given him confidence.
“To me, there's nothing more beautiful than confidence," he said. "And looking your best comes from feeling your best. I make it a point to prioritize practices and routines that make me feel like the best version of myself.”
Xeomin is a prescription medicine that was introduced in Canada in 2009.
Under Canadian law, prescription injectables like Xeomin cannot be advertised with any “direct or indirect reference … to its therapeutic use and/or benefits,” according to Health Canada, and testimonials are prohibited.